With all the buzz around GPT4 by OpenAI, I’ve been searching for the answer to my burning question, can generative AI help me code faster? Today the answer is Yes-ish.
Here is a short demo showing how I made a quick and dirty AI copilot to help me code using Google’s next generation large language model PaLM 2.
I am surprised how far I was able to get with the demo. The approach to making this type of product is to treat the AI as a magic black box that takes natural language input, and returns code output. From there you use meta-programming to parse the code, and execute it with the programs context. Here’s an example of the main function.
def main():
query = input("\nEnter your query: \n")
passage = find_best_passage(query, df)
prompt = make_prompt(query, passage)
answer = palm.generate_text(prompt=prompt,
code = answer.candidates[0]['output'].strip("```python\n").strip("\n```")
parsed = ast.parse(code)
# Extract the function definition from the parsed code
function_def = parsed.body[0]
function_code = compile(ast.Module(body=[function_def], type_ignores=[]), '<ast>', 'exec')
function_name = function_def.name
# Create a global namespace to hold the function
global_namespace = {}
# Execute the function code in the global namespace
exec(function_code, builtins.__dict__, global_namespace)
# Call the function
result = global_namespace[function_name]()
# Print the result
The next step is to factor in long term memory to make sure the changes are saved as the current working context when talking with the AI.
Last updated: 2023-06-06